Sunday, April 1, 2012

7.3.1 Kaneohe Fishponds
The ancient Hawaiian ahupua'a was a self-sustaining ecosystem, that relied on the balance of nature, and their careful stewardship, to keep the plants and animals healthy and bountiful. One amazing example was their use of fishponds (or loko i'a) to have a plentiful supply of fish for the ali'i. The small fry that swim through the makaha feed on the roots of plants, phytoplankton, and other small organisms in the fishpond, but then become too big to leave.

Make a food web based on the organisms above. Make sure to pay attention to both what they eat and what eats them.

You can practice making a slideshow food web with pictures from the following:

Then, take a virtual field trip to the He'eia Fishpond out in Kaneohe.

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