Tuesday, May 8, 2012

4th Quarter Endangered Species Slideshow Project


For your final project, you'll be expected to create a well researched, informative slideshow presentation on an endangered species. Choose an animal or plant that is being threatened by human actions today and become an expert on how to best save that organism from becoming extinct!

Your project will include how your organism fits within the food web of their environment (7.3.1), how your organism interacts with other creatures (7.3.2), and how your organism's ecosystem is being affected by mankind (7.3.3).

These are the slides you should have:

     Scientific Name
     3-5 Interesting Facts
     Diet and Predators
     Food Web (with Trophic Levels)
     Symbiosis (Mutualism, Commensalism, Parasitism)
     Biome and Habitat
     Threats to Survival
     How We Can Help
     *SWBATs and Summary Questions

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